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I have fixed some things in the article. The Finnish track gauge is still 1524 and not 1520, because it was Soviet Union that did the change and Finland was not in Soviet Union.

The new manual of Sr1 (from 2010) says the weight to be 86 tons, whereas the old one (from 1987) says 84 tons. I guess the difference is in the SA-3 couplers, that Sr1 didn't have in the past.

"Siperian ihme" is a nickname I have heard very seldom. I would also say that the word "ihme" is used in a sarcastical manner, meaning that it's "something weird that has come from Russia". However, almost nobody uses that nickname, so don't worry. One of the most common nicknames I have heard is simply "susi" (Волк), which is short of Siperian susi. Kaalihäkki is a bit difficult to translate to Russian. In English it would definitely be "Cabbage cage".

Also, VR has not been Valtion Rautatiet since 1995, when it became a company called VR Oy, later VR Oyj (kak "оaо вр"). The company has now "forgotten" what VR comes from and say they are just two random letters.

The old locomotive naming scheme was stopped in the 1970s, and was never used for electical equipment. Therefore, Sr1 does not mean "sekajunaveturi raskas", but definitely "Sähköveturi raskas" The old system: H = Henkilö = пассажирский T = Tavara = грузовoй S = Seka = грузопассажирский T = Työkone = рабочий

The new system: S = Sähkö = электрический D = Diesel = дизельный B = Bensiini = бензиновый P = Puukaasu = смешанный газ (был Pm1!) T = Työkone = рабочий -- 19:51, 27 февраля 2010 (UTC)


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